If a drinker is wondering how to give up alcohol, this is already the first step in the fight against alcohol addiction. A psychiatrist-narcologist shares his professional experience on how to help a person solve this problem and succeed in the independent fight against the green snake.
Is it always possible to stop drinking on your own and how not to miss this opportunity?
If we talk about the stages of development of alcoholism, then at the first stage, only when psychological dependence on alcohol is formed, it is possible to give up drinking forever. In the second stage, the problem is aggravated and complicated by the formation of physical dependence and the integration of ethyl alcohol into metabolic processes. At this stage, it is possible for the patient to give up alcohol, but it is extremely difficult. In the third and final stage of alcoholism, the patient does not even face the question of how to give up alcohol on his own. He can no longer adequately assess the situation, the desire for alcohol becomes irresistible, it is physiological in nature and is complicated by the development of a number of mental, neurological and somatic disorders. In this case, you will have to apply for compulsory treatment for alcoholism.
Thus, it is important not to ignore the first signs of the development of alcohol addiction, analyze the situation and focus on eliminating the desire for alcohol. A person should pay attention to the following points:
Go from occasional drinking to regular drinking. If you used to drink only on holidays and no more than once a week, now if you regularly drink in a "hot" company every Friday after the end of the working week, you should think about it and try to stop this dangerous tradition. Harmless Friday boozy parties can soon be followed by Saturday dress-ups, Sunday hangovers, and the development of weekend alcoholism. And this is a direct path to intense alcoholism of the body with all negative consequences for mental and physical health, loved ones and work.
An increase in the volume of alcohol consumed and difficulty in controlling it. The lack of a sense of proportion does not allow a person to stop drinking alcohol in time and becomes the cause of severe alcohol intoxication.
Change of social circle and leisure time. Old friends become uninterested, the addict prefers the company of friends who drink, former hobbies are replaced by the search for ways to satisfy the more attractive alcohol hobby.
A very disappointing sign of the beginning of the transition from stage 1 to stage 2 alcoholism is an increase in alcohol tolerance, when an increasing amount of alcohol is needed to achieve the effect. This is manifested by the fact that the patient can drink a lot of alcohol without obvious intoxication and subsequent hangover. Many even boast of this "superpower", not doubting that it is a sign of the development of alcohol addiction.
Just celebrating with alcohol and inventing new reasons to drink. The most typical one is to relieve stress which causes quite a lot in our daily life. Any holiday or sad date, even a small event, can be a reason to celebrate with alcohol.
You find it difficult to communicate with loved ones, friends and work colleagues. Without the usual dose of alcohol, a person becomes nervous, suspicious, anxious, aggressive, the autonomic nervous system suffers, and inadequate mental reactions to the actions and words of others appear.
In addition, the negative effect of ethyl alcohol on the liver can be manifested in nausea, vomiting and digestive problems. In practice, any organ can be damaged, especially those that are first affected by some diseases. For example, hypertensive patients have worsening blood pressure problems; alcoholic pancreatitis may develop with weakened pancreatic function; Due to the constant diuretic and toxic effect of alcohol, the kidneys suffer.
What should be a favorable psychological atmosphere to solve the problem of how to stop drinking alcohol on your own?
If we express this question, we can express it like this: how to stop drinking alcohol at home? Of course, this can only be done in a favorable psychological environment at home and at work. The main thing that is required from others:
Minimize all temptations. You should not mention alcohol in conversations about parties and corporate events, keep stock at home, combine holidays and picnics with alcohol, visit wine and vodka stores. Also, drinking company should be avoided.
Even if the drinker abstains for just one day, it's important to reward the drinker's accomplishments. The difficult path of self-healing from alcoholism requires the full support of family and friends.
Maximum involvement of the addict in family leisure time, collective events for a healthy lifestyle. These include games with children, family outings and nature trips, sports, and outings with non-drinking friends. You can even get a pet, especially a dog, that needs regular walks, thus teaching the drinker a sense of self-discipline and responsibility.
The creation of such an atmosphere will help to return the taste of life without alcohol, the ability to get joy from your previously favorite activity, simple human communication, the beauty of nature, and a breath of fresh air without the admixture of alcohol vapors.
What are your specific recommendations on how to stop drinking?
I can give you the following practical tips to stop drinking alcohol:
Before you start to quit drinking yourself, prepare an action plan that analyzes the causes of addiction. Before doing this, it is still advisable to consult a psychiatrist-narcologist who will tell you the best way to get rid of dangerous addiction. You can stop drinking immediately and forever, or maybe it's better for you to gradually reduce the dose of alcohol. Try to strictly follow the plan regarding the amount and frequency of alcohol intake. At the same time, the number of sober days per week should be greater than the number of "drunk" days.
To manage the entire self-healing process, keep a diary in which you carefully monitor what you drink, record all your achievements and moments of stressful situations. Pay special attention to the situations in which you wish to solve problems with the help of alcohol and how boldly you refuse this opportunity.
The dangers of alcohol in your apartment, before and after photos of alcohol abuse, paintings or photos about your ideas about happiness - a family photo with the happy faces of loved ones, the model of car you want to buy, a piece of paradise outside the city, admiring colleagues, etc.
Avoid companies where alcohol is an important part of the entertainment. Drinking buddies will never be your ally.
Don't relax with alcohol on weekends, it's better to get your dose of pleasure while socializing with your loved ones or on the sports field. Physical activity promotes the production of the hormone of happiness, which can completely replace alcoholic euphoria. Having confidence in your strength and fitness will help you cope with any stress and increase your sense of self-sufficiency.
Do your favorite job or hobby. This will benefit your intellect and take your mind off the constant thoughts of drinking. Do something nice for yourself at least 3 times a day - for example, buy your favorite fruit at the market, buy an interesting book at the bookstore, buy a new hook or fish bait at the sporting goods store. Do not spare money on this, believe me, a bottle of vodka will not be cheaper, on the contrary, it will do more harm.
Try to discuss your problem with people around you who have already given up alcohol. Don't hesitate to ask them for advice; usually such people are ready to share their success and methods of combating alcohol addiction with their colleagues.
Adjust your daily routine, get enough sleep and eat right. When drinking, avoid foods that used to be a favorite snack - spicy, salty, dried, etc. For example, dried gobi can be a trigger for drinking beer.
The process of morning and waking up should always be pleasant - the usual sweet "stretches", invigorating water procedures, delicious breakfast, favorite music and even "hugs" with your faithful dog.
Drink plenty of water - this will intensively remove the remains of alcohol and its breakdown products from the body.
Don't get tired of praising yourself for each sober day or resisting the urge to drink. "Oh, good! "This will help create a positive emotional background and increase self-confidence.
Also, learn to say no to constant offers to drink. Of course, you cannot completely refuse parties or corporate events, modern life conditions often require such communication. Remember, you don't have to drink alcohol just because it's offered to you. Be diplomatic, polite, but firm in refusing to drink. Don't be afraid to look like a black sheep, because it is better than being addicted to the next dose of alcohol and becoming an avid alcoholic. Then the society will definitely turn away from you.
Remember that it is not always possible to get a positive result in the first attempt. However, this should not stop you from trying to get rid of alcohol addiction. The key to giving up alcohol for good is method and persistence. Do not be disappointed, in any case, on the second or third attempt, you will be able to lead a completely sober lifestyle. You may need professional psychological support, but only if you have a weak will and an unstable nervous system. There's nothing wrong with accepting help in any form, it's just that you'll have a wider range of effective ways to get rid of addiction on your own.